Thanks for Joining Us!


I’m really thrilled to be offering this first version of Women in Food of WNY as a free virtual series. This is the kickoff to a BIG vision of I have for live events featuring women chefs, bakers, cooks, farmers and food makers of WNY. There’s a lot of us business women here in the regional food scene that I think are worth knowing about and enjoying their creations!

You’ve registered for:

Garden Class with Seed Keeper, Petra Page-Mann

Six Seeds to Sow in July

Here’s a few details you’ll want to know in order to join Petra and I on Monday, July 13th at 6:30pm EDT.

First off, copy, print or bookmark this page so you can find the info again. I’ll also be sending it to you in an email the day before, but you’ll need the ingredients list sooner to do your shopping.

Zoom Link Information:

Meeting ID: 668 117 3709
Password: foodwomen

One tap mobile
+19292056099,,6681173709#,,1#,644411# US (New York)
+13126266799,,6681173709#,,1#,644411# US (Chicago)

Have a notebook and pen ready because Petra will share a TON of info you’ll want for your own gardening!
Check out
Fruition Seeds for all your non-GMO, Organic, open-pollinated Northeastern seed needs!