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(Virtual) WOMEN IN FOOD of WNY: In the Garden with SeedKeeper Petra Page-Mann

Women in Food of WNY presents:

Garden Class with SeedKeeper Petra Page-Mann

Six Seeds to Sow in July

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Join me (Missy) as your hostess for this next episode of Women in Food of WNY. In this Free Class with Petra Page-Mann, Co-Founder, Farmer and Storyteller at Fruition Seeds in Naples, NY. She’ll be sharing with us the Six Seeds to Sow in July for this month’s northeastern gardeners.

What I know about Petra is that she’ll share LOADS more than a simple 6 seeds, as she is a master storyteller with a deep passion for growing and supporting gardeners of all levels in their home gardens and farms. Her enthusiasm for gardening will simply jump off the screen and inspire you to get out into your garden and get some seeds started!

In some ways, it seems like July is too late to just get things started, but Petra will help us learn which seeds can start even this late in the season and why you’ll want to get them going this month. Even if you’ve got a little pot on your windowsill or a small backyard, her wisdom can help you grow a bit of something special to feed your body and spirit.

Whether you are an expert farmer or gardener, a hobbyist or just starting out with your first pot, I’m sure you’ll learn a TON and be jumping out of your seat to get your hands in the soil right away! In addition to learning with us during this live, play-along, how-to adventure in the garden with Petra, you will get links and info to get these seeds started for yourself!


About Petra Page-Mann: A Finger Lakes native, Petra was raised in her father’s garden. Her love of food led her all over the world studying agriculture, community and seeds before returning to Naples, NY. In 2012, she co-founded Fruition Seeds along with her beloved partner, Matthew. Through Fruition Seeds, she shares not only the seeds, but also the knowledge and inspiration that gardeners crave to bring into their own gardens. It is Petra’s gift of the seeds and their stories, that she uses to amplify our individual as well as collective abundance in our short WNY seasons.


About the Women in Food of WNY series: Being a solo Woman Farmer and Woman Entrepreneur I have always kept my eye out for fellow women in business with whom to connect (and commiserate). As i’ve established myself in the WNY area, I have loved meeting new chefs and farmers alike. However, one thing that I noticed was a serious lack in attention towards women Chefs and Farmers of the region, despite the fact that there are many of us. Here at Crown Hill Farm, we love to host Farm-to-Table dinners featuring local chefs preparing seasonal foods. From there, I saw a vision: A series of dinners highlighting the women chefs of WNY. Now, in 2020 with COVID keeping us all away from social gatherings in person, I had to get creative while hanging on to this vision of featuring women in food in WNY. And so, after many conversations with incredible women, this series was born! This is the first step to what I hope will be a Conference of WNY Women in Food. For now, let’s gather around our respective kitchens to chat, cook and learn together.