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(Virtual) WOMEN IN FOOD of WNY: Virtual Cooking with Hostess, Missy Singer DuMars

Women in Food of WNY presents:

Cooking Class with Series Hostess, Missy Singer DuMars

Farmhouse Breakfast: Make Your Own Bacon (without a smoker) + Everything Eggs + Potato Hash

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Join me (Missy) for this unique episode of Women in Food of WNY where I transition from Series Hostess to Chef! In this Free Virtual Class I invite you into my Farm Kitchen where I’ll teach you how to make my Crown Hill Farmhouse Breakfast.

We’ll start with making our own bacon fresh from pork belly. I learned this technique from an amazing butcher in Colorado who would make a Paleo bacon this way in his shop. You don’t need a smoker or anything fancy — just your oven and a really sharp knife!

Of course, I can’t resist eggs since I raise chickens, ducks and geese for them. I’ll answer all your egg questions buying, cooking and eating questions while we cook up a few for this breakfast. And then, what is a farmhouse breakfast without some kind of potatoes?! I’ll show you how I get potatoes that have a bit of crisp on the outside, softness on the inside and can go with whatever you’ve got in your fridge to make this breakfast a complete meal!

Along the way, you can ask me your questions and I’ll share a bit more about my food and farm journey, being a woman farm leader in WNY and whatever spontaneously comes out of my mouth! You’ll hear some more bits about Crown HIll Farm and my own passion for food and why I do what I do here.

Whether you are joining us to cook along from your own kitchen or just listening in to learn, I’m sure you’ll learn a TON and be ready cook up your own version of this breakfast. In addition to learning with me during this live, play-along, how-to adventure in the kitchen, you will get a copy of the recipe to reference time and again.



About Missy Singer DuMars: I come from a deep tradition of entrepreneurship and business. As the 4th generation of a family-run business, I grew up with business as dinner table conversation and even started my own as early as the 5th grade! Through college, I went on to theatrical design and found myself working as one of very few women in the male-dominated industry of Corporate Entertainment Lighting, managing multi-million dollar projects including Cirque du Soleil, the Wynn Resort and Celine Dion’s Caesars Colosseum.

At the top of my game in the Entertainment world, I found myself with a successful career but drained and spiritually bankrupt. That is the moment when I walked away from my career, a marriage that was struggling, sold my house, and followed a calling to dive deep into a path more aligned with my values of kindness and nourishment.

From that moment, I moved in to the Holistic community and now have over 20 years experience with counseling, healing, teaching, leading spiritual retreats, and event planning. To those skills, I added a wide range of experience in online marketing including certification as an Infusionsoft Consultant. All of this comes together into my own unique flavor of coaching business entrepreneurs.

In addition to business coaching, I have a beautiful 13-acre farm in Western NY, Crown Hill Farm, from which I help nourish many families in our community. I grow heirloom vegetables, raise heritage poultry and advocate for food diversity and sovereignty. I have a passion for every aspect of food from the seed to harvest to cooking and the final dish.

Be it in business, on the farm, or in my teachings… my work now brings together my holistic experience with my roots in business and connection to the natural world. Nourishment is what drives my curiosity and service– both to support conscious business owners to grow their businesses and to grow food to feed my community – all in a way that feeds rather than depletes. The wisdom of nature that I live within every day comes through in my approach to entrepreneurship thus fostering that nourishment of body, spirit, business and people.

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About the Women in Food of WNY series: Being a solo Woman Farmer and Woman Entrepreneur I have always kept my eye out for fellow women in business with whom to connect (and commiserate). As i’ve established myself in the WNY area, I have loved meeting new chefs and farmers alike. However, one thing that I noticed was a serious lack in attention towards women Chefs and Farmers of the region, despite the fact that there are many of us. Here at Crown Hill Farm, we love to host Farm-to-Table dinners featuring local chefs preparing seasonal foods. From there, I saw a vision: A series of dinners highlighting the women chefs of WNY. Now, in 2020 with COVID keeping us all away from social gatherings in person, I had to get creative while hanging on to this vision of featuring women in food in WNY. And so, after many conversations with incredible women, this series was born! This is the first step to what I hope will be a Conference of WNY Women in Food. For now, let’s gather around our respective kitchens to chat, cook and learn together.

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